3 Important Tips for Designing Advertising Banners


Personalized banners

If you’re considering various advertising methods for your business, banners may offer the best bang for your buck. Vinyl banners are durable, lightweight, easy to hang and reusable. There are a few things, however, you’ll need to keep in mind in order to maximize the effectiveness of your banner design:

  1. Bigger Is (Usually) Better

    When it comes to banner printing, there are nearly endless choices in terms of size and shape. Smaller custom vinyl banners can be used to great effect on stands by your door or hung in your storefront’s windows. But if you really want to make an impact, take advantage of large format banner printing (which is becoming more and more affordable thanks to new printing methods).

    The only caveat to this advice is to think about scale and readability when designing a banner. If your main goal is to entice pedestrians walking down the street, it doesn’t make sense to have a very large banner, as the correct size of type for those dimensions will likely be hard to read from only a few feet away. But if you’re hanging the banner where it can be seen from the street, it will need to be large if drivers are going to be able to read it.

  2. Crowding Distracts the Eye

    Custom banner printing services allow you to get everything you want on your advertising banners. But resist the urge to crowd the entire banner with information. Think of banners as better opportunities for branding than for client communication.

    Especially if you’re hanging your banner so that it will be seen by drivers or pedestrians, you have only a few seconds to catch the eye of your potential customers. Focus on creating a bold design that will make a viewer curious about the company, and include identifying information (for example, a company name and website address) so that a potential customer will be able to look up information later even if they can’t stop in immediately.

  3. Calls to Action Work

    The best part of having custom vinyl banners printed is that you can design every aspect yourself to maximize advertising impact. One of the most effective advertising techniques you can use is a call to action. Basically, a call to action is a direct instruction given to the viewer (“Call Now!” is a classic, if cheesy, example).

    By choosing a good call to action, you can take your banner’s function from simply labeling something or informing a potential customer (as wording including only your company’s name or “Sale!” might do) to letting the viewer know what their next move should be. That’s the way to generate sales.

Have you used banner printing services for your company? What strategies have worked best for you?

Find more: Banner printing nyc

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