Top Facts You Need to Know About CFD For Fluidized Bed Reactors


Fluidised bed drier

Computational fluid dynamics, which is usually abbreviated as CFD for fluidized bed reactors, is a branch of fluid mechanics that uses numerical methods and algorithms to solve and analyze problems that involve fluid flows. Computers are used to perform the calculations required to simulate the interaction of liquids and gases with surfaces defined by boundary conditions. With high-speed supercomputers, better solutions can be achieved. Ongoing research yields software that improves the accuracy and speed of complex simulation scenarios such as transonic or turbulent flows. Initial experimental validation of such software is performed using a wind tunnel with the final validation coming in full-scale testing.

Spectral element method is a finite element type method. It requires the mathematical problem to be cast in a weak formulation. This is typically done by multiplying the differential equation by an arbitrary test function and integrating over the whole domain. Purely mathematically, the test functions are completely arbitrary – they belong to an infinitely dimensional function space. Clearly an infinitely dimensional function space cannot be represented on a discrete spectral element mesh. And this is where the spectral element discretization of fluid bed coaters begins. The most crucial thing is the choice of interpolating and testing functions.

In computational modeling of turbulent flows, one common objective is to obtain a model that can predict quantities of interest, such as fluid velocity, for use in engineering designs of the system being modeled. For turbulent flows, the range of length scales and complexity of phenomena involved in turbulence make most modeling approaches prohibitively expensive; the resolution required to resolve all scales involved in turbulence is beyond what is computationally possible. The primary approach in such cases is to create numerical models to approximate unresolved phenomena. This section lists some commonly-used computational models for turbulent flows.

The vortex method is a grid-free technique for the simulation of turbulent flows. It uses vortices as the computational elements, mimicking the physical structures in turbulence. Vortex methods of fluid bed coaters were developed as a grid-free methodology that would not be limited by the fundamental smoothing effects associated with grid-based methods. To be practical, however, vortex methods require means for rapidly computing velocities from the vortex elements. In other words, they require the solution to a particular form of the N-body problem.

A breakthrough for this problem came in the late 1980s with the development of the fast multipole method. This is an algorithm by V. Rokhlin and L. Greengard. This breakthrough paved the way to practical computation of the velocities from the vortex elements and is the basis of successful algorithms. They are especially well-suited to simulating filamentary motion, such as wisps of smoke, in real-time simulations such as video games, because of the fine detail achieved using minimal computation.

Software based on the vortex method offer a new means for solving tough fluid dynamics problems with minimal user intervention in relation to fluid bed coater. All that is required is specification of problem geometry and setting of boundary and initial conditions. Read more articles like this.

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