Best Practices For Ensuring Remote Network Access Security


The world of cybersecurity is constantly changing. As threats evolve, cyber security infrastructure and endpoint security solutions have to evolve with them. Not only are devices like computers and tablets connected to the network are requesting remote network access constantly, with the global Internet things (IoT) continues to grow enormously. In 2016, global spending on the IoT was $737 billion. The International Data Corporation believes this number will grow to nearly $1.3 trillion by 2020, with more than 30 billion connected devices, and IoS devices can provide access into networks for cybercriminals. Another issue facing cybersecurity companies is remote network access, which is increasingly essential for many companies. And yet the need to keep business running smoothly has to be balanced with network access protection needs. While your first line of defense should always be hiring the best cybersecurity company to monitor and secure your data, there are some things you can do to help secure remote network access.

  • What’s makes remote network access vulnerable? As soon as you start allowing remote network access, your network becomes vulnerable. It now depends not only upon your own cyber security measures, but upon the security measures (or lack thereof) of each individual endpoint user and the network they’re on as they connect. As telecommuting becomes more common, remote access is no longer for just a few. Everyone needs remote access, and you cannot trust that everyone’s personal computers and mobile devices are secure.
  • Allow remote access only as necessary. What kind of remote access do you really need? Do you currently have remote network access software, and is it out of date? Does it apply to every kind of device that might be used to access the network? One of the first important steps in securing the network is to take a look at what is connecting, why, and whether it needs to. This could involve bringing in a cyber security company to give you risk assessment as well as evaluating your own business needs.
  • Consider your assets, not the devices that are connecting. Instead of trying to find a way to securely connect every possible device that could ask for remote network access, focus on how to protect your corporate assets in the work environment. No matter how good your VPN or other remote access software, some things are still limited by the type of device. Tablets and mobile devices do not currently allow for the same sort of deep security checks that computers do, and this is unlikely to change since users value their privacy. Work on your remote access software, but insulate your work environment from the endpoint device.
  • Watch your data closely. For some companies, isolating data isn’t a viable option as a
    long-term practical solution. Data must transit from corporate to the end user over a VPN. In this case, it’s important to provide a way to secure data at the endpoint. In the past, companies frequently provided their own laptops to users. This may not be financially or practically useful as a solution, but what is possible is to utilize software that compartmentalizes the applications on a device that are accessing your network data.
  • Accept the mobile revolution. Think of mobile first whenever you plan new tools and security measures. Mobile devices are constantly moving between home and office, and from office to office, throughout the day. There are remote network access software solutions available now that can analyze the network devices are using as they request remote access to your network. The software can then switch security policies based on risk.
  • Look to the clouds. The sophisticated systems that are now necessary to secure networks may be beyond practicality for some. Moving selected applications to the cloud allows cloud providers, who are experts in remote network access, to take on the job of delivering security.

Experts estimate that the costs of dealing with cyber crime damage will be $6 trillion by the year 2021. Let’s all invest in getting that number down.

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