In the current climate the online marketplace is growing at an exponential rate. That means that if you want to keep up in this ever growing online environment your business needs to have an online presence. That means having a website. But not just any website will do. There are literally hundreds of millions of websites out there and if you want to stand out and attract potential customers, then you are going to need a custom website design. But even having custom website design might not be enough. With 43 percent of online consumers fans of social media, it only makes sense that your brand marketing include a social media component. 92 percent of U.S. companies utilize social media, so it is a good bet that your business should too. With one in five Facebook users buying products they find while looking through their news feed, your online marketing needs to be oriented to take this into account. Add in a custom web design and a logo designer to give your company a catchy look, and you will be in position to take advantage of the online marketplace. Even business consulting professionals agree, custom website design along with a social media presence will ensure that your company will be ready to take advantage of the online environment.