These days, it’s safe to say that the job marketing isn’t just competitive, it’s flat out fierce! And even saying that might be an understatement. Today’s employers are in hot pursuit of job seekers that are the trifecta of top talent in their respective industries; educate, multitalented, and dedicated. Today’s job candidates are expected to be a jack of all trades and a master of them all, with employers paying special attention to talent that is, well, talented in a multifaceted way.
Although America has done it’s best to move on from the Recession of the mid 2000’s, its devastating ripple effects have still lingered in the job marketing. This in turn has made the competition even fiercer, with employers now becoming even more selective when it comes to recruiting. That’s because hiring an employee is a major investment for a company, and making the wrong choice could cost them thousands and thousands. Similarly, eager job candidates have also become “smarter” in terms expanding their skill set and professional development.
All of this can make the recruitment process long, tedious, time consuming, and even expensive for both the employer and the job candidate. There are however many ways in which employers can expedite this process and ensure they win in the end in terms of recruiting the top talent they need. Human resources consulting firms, such as a executive placement agency, are great tools for company’s who want to find recruit top talent but don’t want to navigate the arduous process themselves. Doing so can cost a lot of time and may even lead to a costly hiring mistake.
Outsourcing talent acquisition management services, which includes taking advantage of the services provided by an executive placement agency, has several benefits for employers. Here are just a few reasons why working with an executive placement agency is in an employer’s best interest in terms of expediting the recruitment process.
An executive placement agency finds the best, most qualified candidates. Period.
Filling an executive role at a company can take months, if not even longer. With so much at stake when it comes to recruiting the best candidate for such an important and high power position, companies cannot afford to make a mistake. An executive placement agency can reach out to more qualified applicants than a job posting ever could. It’s important to keep in mind that the best talent for executive level positions are often already employed at a competitor. An agency has a better chance of wooing this talent and getting them to accept a new position with a competitor.
You get what you pay for
A company’s employees have a huge impact on the company’s bottom line, so paying for top talent can make the business more profitable in the long run. A good candidate, especially an executive level candidate, will pay for themselves very quickly, while adding more value to the company itself. Although many companies are trying to reduce costs and save money these days, it definitely pays to recruit top talent with the help of an agency. Failing to do this can actually cost a lot more money in the long run in terms of expensive hiring mistakes, a high turn over rate, and more.
Cut through the clutter
It may seem like a blessing at first when a company receives hundreds and hundreds of applications and resumes in response to a job posted online, but that excitement quickly fades after realizing the majority of them are from unqualified or inexperienced candidates. Working with an agency allows a company to cut through this clutter in order to find the best and most qualified talent for the position. Recruiting firms don’t want around for talent to respond to a job post, they go out and hunt for it!