SEO 27 Digital marketing strategy,Web design services How to Utilize Responsive Web Design Elements

How to Utilize Responsive Web Design Elements


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The internet provides a wealth of opportunities for savvy business owners as more consumers look to the worldwide net for media sharing, entertainment, and shopping. Ecommerce generates an estimated $1.2 million every 30 seconds around the globe; starting with professional modern web design and digital marketing services could help launch your company’s internet career.

Update Your Outdated Webpages

The internet of today differs vastly from its predecessor, as consumers expect everything to be faster: faster downloading, faster installing, faster shipping — companies have a lot to consider. Up to 40% of consumers said that they would abandon a webpage if it takes longer than three seconds to load. Many internet users search the net from the convenience of their mobile devices, yet up to 46% of these users have difficulty interacting with webpages. Ensuring that your company’s web design ideas incorporate mobile functionality, as 62% of companies that designed a webpage with mobile use in mind saw increased sales.

Know Thy Target Customer Base

The secret to responsive web design is understanding what customers find pleasurable.
As much as 70% of people read lists with bullet-points; only 55% of people read lists if they do not contain bullets. By delivering information in a brief, concise, and organized manner, companies have a greater chance to capture the interest of consumers. Inspired Magazine stated that a website has only 10 seconds to make an impression on an internet user. By trusting responsive web design services, companies are able to keep customers engaged.

The Edge Given By Digital Marketing Consultants

Providing for the customer is only half of the battle, as companies first have to draw customers to their digital real estate. By utilizing search engine optimization along with other digital marketing tactics, companies are able to direct online traffic towards their business. Most internet users use Google or Yahoo; these two sites influence up to 88% of business purchases — this includes online and offline purchases. Attracting customers and keeping them are two sides of the same coin, investing in digital marketing and design companies can help attract profits for your company.

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