A cloud service is basically any kind of resource that can be, or is provided over the Internet such as software and infrastructure. Another phrase for cloud services is ‘web services’. They are one in the same.
Now, a cloud services broker or cloud brokerage service is either an individual or a company that can add value to a cloud service for a consumer through three different roles:
- Aggregation which enables the use of cloud for consumers from an application that must be approved by the company. By doing this a virtual service provider is made which can offer data models.
- Integration can be a little more complicated. It makes sure that the applications communicate with each other by exchanging data. It also keeps track of data loyalty for different companies and organizations.
- Customization which cements the cloud services with data or security.
Cloud service brokerage also helps with the launching of apps that go across two or more clouds. This allows users the ability to go between platforms all the while keeping their options open at a number of cloud vendors.
The rolls of a cloud services broker includes strengthening relationship between providers and customers. They can do this buy consulting with them and offering the above services.
Once you understand the above principles, cloud services brokerage can be broken down further into two categories: internal and external cloud services brokers.
The internal takes care of the life span, licensing and all costs and usage for each organization including private and public clouds. It is is responsible for the security and auditing of providers as well as the enforcement of all policies.
The external offers what is called ‘value added cloud services’ which basically are any and all services that extend further than the standard offers and services that promote their company or business. It’s responsibilities are providing marketplaces that usually include the perks of third party offers. The external cloud services broker will bundle the third party services with the current offers.
The cloud brokerage enablement market is predicted to grow from where it was in 2013 at $225.42 million to at least $2.03 billion by as early as 2018. On top of that, the global cloud brokerage market is set to grow from $1.57 billion to $10.5 billion in the same time frame. That is an average of 46.2% growth in a space of less than five years. Get more here.