When you perform search engine optimization on websites, you’ll have the most success if you consider the search spiders that will explore your website and catalog it for search engines. Spiders can increase organic search optimization and eventually rankings, but only if you cater to them correctly.
Here are a few website optimization tips to help you enhance your SEO strategy and attract the attention of search engine spiders:
Add Descriptions to Images
Spiders are only capable of searching text, so if you have text built into your images, they won’t be able to read it. You can get around this problem by attaching descriptive words to your images. If you an ALT tag to your image names, you’ll be able to attach keyword-loaded descriptions to every image you put on your website. You can also use the captions of your images to build SEO. Make your captions descriptive and relevant and place them close to your images.
Update Content
Having fresh and relevant content on your website is a key way to attract search engine spiders. One of the most common website optimization tips you’ll hear is that “content is king,” for good reason. Blogs give websites more indexed pages and links and they establish a website as an authority on the subject. They also provide useful information to potential customers.
Simplify URLs
If your URLs are a long string of jumbled numbers and letters, search engines will have a much harder time cataloging them. You want simple, clear-cut and descriptive URLs rather than an elaborate in-house system of numbers and letters. Dynamic URLs are also less than ideal for search spiders.
Add a Site Map
One of the most commonly overlooked website optimization tips is to always have a site map. Site maps consist of a single page that lists and links to all the important pages contained in your website. Spiders can follow this map to efficiently index your whole site.
Understanding how search spiders work is often the key to getting the most out of your SEO strategy.
SEO 27 Business social media sites,Define content marketing,Local seo tips How to Design a Website that Search Engine Spiders Won’t be Able to Resist