The Biggest Mistake Business Make With Their Marketing Budget


Advertising agencies in atlanta

How are your business figures looking these days? If you’ve noticed your sales dipping lower than you’d like, you might want to consider contacting your local ad agencies and asking for their expertise on getting your brand out there. A strong marketing campaign is one of the wisest investments you can consider, especially with so many companies, small businesses and freelancers fighting for attention in a crowded market. Advertising firms are staffed with graphic design professionals and marketing experts keen on keeping your business afloat by putting your best foot forward. Let’s take a look at the benefits of a marketing agency and what they can do for you.

Marketing Budget

Surveys have shown companies spending, on average, only 25% of their total marketing budgets on digital means in the year 2014. This figure is projected to change, however, and exceed 75% in the next five years. Reasons for this change include both pricing and reach, as traditional methods are falling out of favor due to their costs and the majority of customers are gravitating to social media and portable devices to access their favorite services or products. Overall, over $180 billion were spent on advertising in the United States and that figure isn’t expected to go down any time soon as the economy continues to grow.

Customer Trends

Ad agencies hone in on what customers want and deliver on multiple fronts to ensure accessibility and reliability. Preferences and ideals change every year, no doubt bolstered by developments in technology, and any company that wants to stay afloat needs to stay on top of their customer’s best interests. Recent surveys found consumers reporting they had more bad experiences than positive with social media marketing, in spite of social media platforms being one of the most effective ways of reaching a broad audience. The average buyer will consult at least 11 consumer reviews before they purchase, meaning that listening to your client base is a key component to successful ad runs.

Digital Marketing

Did you know only 8% of companies have an e-mail marketing team? This is considered by most advertising experts to be one of the biggest hurdles to success, as e-mail marketing is rated as the platform that receives the highest ROI of any digital marketing tactic. Over 90% of Google’s total revenue comes from advertising, including industry giants like YouTube, and nearly 70% of Twitter’s ad revenue comes from mobile tablets and smart phones. Adapting to the current technological climate means honing in on convenience and making your business not just the most memorable, but the most accessible. Ad agencies, with their background in programming and communicative design, can do all of the above and more.

Contacting A Creative Agency

Your business is only as good as its first impression. In a hustling and bustling world filled to the brim with competitors, showing you care about your work will go a long way in inspiring confidence in your customers-to-be. Nowadays customers will do a significant amount of online research before committing to a purchase or hiring a service, with 80% of respondents to a recent survey stressing their Internet research habits. Content creation, alongside management, now claim the second largest share of digital budgets. When half of all companies don’t have a plan for their digital marketing, now has never been a better time to start. Consider adding an e-mail marketing campaign or a new social media outlet to your brand today and watch your figures grow from there.

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