Three Ways You Can Keep Your Small Business’ Computers Spam and Virus-Free


Computer services charleston

Spam is nearly unavoidable for anyone who works or lives around computers.

In fact, an unbelievable 97% of the 60 billion emails sent every day are, in fact, spam.

And when one wrong click on a spam email can cause your small business’ computer systems to get a bug or virus, it’s more important than ever to know what to do to prevent these viruses from taking hold of your network. These days, cyber attacks and viruses can do more than expose sensitive company information — they can damage your business’ reputation irreparably.

Not sure how you can increase the efficacy of your small business’ network security systems to help ward off spam and viruses? Here are three of the best things you can do to improve your small business’ overall network security management:

Create and enforce a password policy among staff

Most of any computer system’s vulnerability stems from weak passwords created by employees who access the system every day. To help strengthen these passwords, you should enact a policy for employee passwords that requires them to create complex passwords — and change them once every few months.

Consider outsourcing to a network security specialist

Most small business owners don’t know much about network security systems — and that’s okay! However, it’s still not a bad idea to consider outsourcing your network security to an external specialist who knows how to protect against viruses and malware. The costs far outweigh the benefits of not having a cyber disaster on your hands.

Take preventive action against former employees

Did you know that an amazing 59% of a company’s employees will steal or expose corporate data when they quit or get fired from the company? Because of this high risk, it’s important to take no chances when it comes to former employees’ wrath. Whenever someone leaves your business on bad terms, change all passwords and points of access to your network immediately.

Have any other questions for us about IT compliance, IT consulting or keeping your small business’ computers free of spam? Go ahead and ask — leave a comment for us below. Check out this website for more.

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